Madrid. Members of the DigiEcoQuarry consortium had the opportunity to meet in person on the 29th and 30th of last November in the auditorium of the ETSI Minas y Energía (Madrid, Spain). These facilities offered a perfect framework and an space with allowed social distance to develop this in-person meeting. It was also possible to follow the consortium meeting online. Face-to-face attendance was affected due to COVID-19 movement restrictions in some countries (and some companies), but the meeting managed to gather 41 members, and an average of 22 online.

In the course of the meeting, the WP leaders presented the progress made in the project according to their own work packages. At the end of each presentation, participants discussed the problems and difficulties encountered, concluding the analysis of each package with the proposal of next steps to be taken.

The general director of ANEFA, Cesar Luaces, as coordinator of the project, made the general balance of the meeting. The next actions were agreed:

  • the partners (in charge of collecting the quarry data) will make available to the consortium examples of datasets, in order to share the features and formats of the files.
  • realization of video tutorials (or demonstrations) to learn the possibilities and characteristics of the Expert Systems.
  • scheduling the Technical Committee meeting (currently scheduled for 21st of December 2022).
  • create and maintain procedures to facilitate communication and information exchange between partners (and between work packages).

All attendees highlighted the advantages of face-to-face interactions between members in addressing the next steps and challenges encountered so far.