Montanuniversitaet Leoben is well-known as one of the best Universities in Austria undertaking research that is focussed along the entire “value-added lifecycle” of raw materials, from exploration to extraction and mineral processing, followed by fields such as metallurgy, high-performance materials, process and product engineering, and finally, to environmental engineering and recycling. Close connection to and cooperation with industry (including SMEs) guarantees the stimulation and support of the entire innovation process in industrial companies as well as the successful exploitation of research projects. MUL is member of EIT Raw materials, International Competence Centre for Mining-Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO, WFURS (World Forum of Universities of Resources on Sustainability) and EUREG (European Rock Extraction Research Group).
MUL has a number of associated competence centres such as the high-profile K-Centres MCL (Materials Centre Leoben), PCCL (Polymer Competence Centre Leoben) and the K1-MET (Metallurgical Competence Centre).
Moreover, there are six national excellence institutions called “Christian Doppler Laboratories” established at the MUL, performing application-oriented basic research.
The Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, providing contributions to this project, carries out complex interdisciplinary research on raw materials management, circular economy topics, rock mechanics & rock engineering as well as on economic and environmental sustainability considerations in mining.
Role: Developer of VCWD and vibration measurement tools within KTA1, Pilot in HANSON’s Pilot #2; Coordination of energy efficiency tasks and evaluation of pilot results in all Pilots #1 – #5; WP5 Leader.